. * *************************************************************/ // check that data has arrived here via HTTPS if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") { die ("Use a secure HTTPS connection to the server. Aborting ..."); } if (strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != "POST") { //check if there is a query string, then abort. if (count($_GET) != 0){ die ("Always use POST to prevent recording of query strings. Aborting ..."); } } if (! is_file("gpgconfig.php")){ die ("Config file does not exist."); } require_once('gpgconfig.php'); if (! is_dir($GPGDIR)){ die ("GPG directory $GPGDIR does not exist."); } else { $ERRORFILE = $GPGDIR."/gpgerrors"; } if (! isset($SIGSHOWTEXTAREA)){ $SIGSHOWTEXTAREA = "no"; } if (isset($_REQUEST[$SIGTEXTAREA])) { $TEXT = $_REQUEST[$SIGTEXTAREA]; } if (isset($_REQUEST['secret'])) { $SECRET = checkinput($_REQUEST['secret'],"noscript"); } if (! isset($KEYSELECTION)){ $KEYSELECTION = "no"; } if (! isset($SIGIFRAMENUMBER)){ $SIGIFRAMENUMBER = 0; } if (isset($_REQUEST['signingkey'])){ $SIGNINGKEY = checkinput($_REQUEST['signingkey'],"noscript"); } echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; if (isset($SIGNINGKEY) && isset($TEXT) && isset($SECRET)) { // perform clear text signing if ((strlen($SECRET) > 0) && (strlen($SIGNINGKEY) > 0)) { $SIGNATURE = $GPGDIR."/signature"; unix("rm ".$GPGDIR."/signature"); echo "

Signing with key:

\n"; $SIG = "/usr/bin/gpg --homedir ".$GPGDIR." --require-secmem --default-key \"".$SIGNINGKEY."\" --batch --no-tty --yes --logger-file ".$ERRORFILE." --output ".$SIGNATURE." --passphrase ".$SECRET." --clearsign"; unixpipe($SIG,$TEXT); $handle = fopen($SIGNATURE, "r"); $RESULT = fread($handle,20000000); fclose($handle); // check if sgnature is successful $ERR = strpos($RESULT,'BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE'); if (! $ERR === false) { if ($SIGSHOWTEXTAREA == "yes"){ $RESULT = "<textarea name=".$SIGTEXTAREA." cols=65 rows=20>\n".$RESULT."\n</textarea>\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "    \n\n"; } else { echo "

Signing failed.

"; echo "
\n"; } } else { echo "

\n"; } } else { // read a secret key from the keyring and get the message from the opening window if (! isset($SIGNINGKEY)) { if ($KEYSELECTION == "yes") { echo "

Signing A Message

\n"; echo "

Please choose one of the following secret keys

\n"; $Keys = unix("/usr/bin/gpg --homedir $GPGDIR --list-secret-keys"); $List = explode ("\n", $Keys); if (count($List) < 2 ) { die ("

No keys available. Aborting ...

"); } echo "
\n"; foreach ($List as $Line){ $KEYID = htmlentities(trim(substr($Line,4))); if ( substr_count($Line, "sec ") == 1){ echo ""; } if ( substr_count($Line, "uid ") == 1){ echo "\n"; } } echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (! isset($_REQUEST['secret'])) { echo ""; echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; echo "    \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { echo "

No signing key selected. Signing impossible.

"; echo "

\n"; } } } echo "

version ".$VERSION." powered by Senderek Web Security

"; echo "

\n"; ?>